Tuesday, February 22, 2005

saturday morning

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so this saturday I met up with maki and laura and bryn and we all went for breakfast at slickity jim's. It was fun as usual to be back in the old hood. We even got the best table. I had eggs benedict with chorizo sausage on the side. yum. Then we went to the sally ann and got some great stuff. I bought a fantastic cake plate for 6 dollars. maybe i will photograph it and add it here. Bryn bought a beautiful circa 1930 ish table and chairs set and an organ. Then he and Laura had a loud discussion ( Laura against the organ vehemently - we dont even have a house!) and engaged the salvos staff in the debate. Then we all went to the beach and drank beer while the sun went down. I admit it was still a little cold. But nice. ah. Vancouver is alright.

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