Thursday, December 08, 2005

Top Model Results

Tonight was the last top model. My girl Nik didn't win! The big winner was Nicole - and I have to say, she did have a lot of spunk. The funny thing is, only one person voted for her, and no-one knows who she is! well, even if she had I wouldn't have won any money since my 2nd choice Jayla got kicked out last week. It was an exciting evening, Malani and I even dressed up like ' models' ( whatever that really means....) and got harangued by a crazy on the bus for it.. he said ' you look like anorexics! you look like a fat cow - I'll call you a cow - why don't you give some food to the hungry.. why don't you shop at value village? Nice coat - I love blue, it goes with my eyes - if I had my way I'd send all asians back to their countries...' very crazy. It was kind of funny though, because I guess we were so dressed up he thought we were actually part of the ' affluent masses' who were abstractly destroying his life. Um, crazy dude, have you noticed we're riding the bus? I don't think we'd be on the loser cruiser if we had money to burn...
So after the amazing dinner prepared by Mark and Ester, and after the final episode concluded, we took some modelling photos of our own... the top photo is me sulking that I lost the money - then after that comes photos from our fabulous stable of top model watchers Ester, Scooby, Becca, Claudia, Karen, Marina, Peggie-Ann, Malani, and me, Ariel Kirk-Gushowaty. A few notes on the photos - this week's winner? I say - Ester - for originality and flair. As for the rest, I'd say Claudia was the most fierce, and Becca, you need to work on trying to minimize the enormous size of your hands. Thats all for tonight no idea why I stayed up this late writing this...


Rhya said...

not only did i miss top model.
i have no friends to whatch it with...i am like that stranded model that gets left behind after all her friends are voted off to the west coast, to fend for herself amongst the un-nice remaining contestants, for me that would be a fierce Koshi cat, the subdued snotty noodle cat, and the overly nice model kyle.

i can't beleive that Nik didn't win. I can't stand niclole whahahahhahahahat!

rotten pears said...

i can't believe i didn't win either...that's the last time i'm voting for a tranny..
i'm going to miss our wednesday top model event...thank you claudia for hosting....

Skye Hohmann said...

Oh I wish I could have been there! I am definitely going to push for a move to b.c. after this England thing. Even Sonic is not the same without you ari! You look fab by the way